Social media is a popular way for people to work from
anywhere and do business.
Jim wrote a book that helps people and businesses understand how to do social media in a more natural and personal way. He talks about unique ways to measure success and connect with people genuinely.
The book is Predictive Social Media, and it's really helpful for all kinds of people and businesses, from small to big ones. It shows them how to do social media in a smart and effective way.
THE 7 Cs
The Cs are important to know if you want to do well on social media.
Contribution is sticking to your values and working on yourself to meet others
Capabilities is learning the social media platforms
Compliance is knowing the rules and limits
Conversation is about talking to others
Community is where people come together
Connection is meeting lots of new people
Communication is keeping in touch the right way
Dr. Mikel J. Harry
Co-Creator Six Sigma​
"Jim Lupkin is an absolute genius in the field of social media."
Dr. Roni Deluz
Hollywood's Leading Naturopathic Doctor
"The depth of Jim's wellness industry knowledge, when combined with his system, delivered the 1:5 numbers he promised - 57,000 followers quickly. His system works."
Michelle Barnes
Affiliate for a $360 Million Company
"My group does $100 million in sales annually by doing what Jim's Predictive Social Media teaches you. Follow Jim, and your business will skyrocket!"
Jessica Adams
Small Business Owner
"We went from $42,000 to $88,000 in sales in one month using Predictive Social Media; every month after that, we have grown. Jim eliminates social media confusion."
Marla Tabaka
Leading Inc Magazine Author
"With Jim's system, you'll create deeper connections and profitable results."